Introduction to Bioinformatics Analysis of Plasmodium Falciparum Genome data training 2022

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Course overview:

Genomic Epidemiology of resistant Plasmodium Falciparum training was designed with the aim to uncover the genomic signatures due to various selection pressures to be identified (host immune system? background genetics? epidemiological facies? or other).To understand the spread over the country of populations of parasites carrying any malaria drug resistant-conferring markers (the withdrawn ones as well as the ones on official uset).

The course will cover:


Pre-requisites and eligibility:

Beginner - Intermediate level Bioinformatics working with next-generation sequencing data in Africa

Objectives and expected outcomes: The training has a double objective, to understand the genomic epidemiology of resistant P. falciparum in Côte d'Ivoire in order to discover the genomic signatures due to the different selection pressures and to train on methods that can improve our understanding of the mode of diffusion and the distribution of populations of parasites carrying markers conferring resistance to antimalarial drugs.

Intended audience:

Beginner - Intermediate level Bioinformaticians working with next-generation sequencing data in Africa.


  1. Venue of course: Institut Pasteur de Côte d'Ivoire (IPCI, Cote d'Ivore)
  2. Start date: 2022-11-28
  3. End date: 2022-12-02
Course curriculum:
  1. 1. Malaria, NGS, software tools, snakemake.
  2. 2. Phylodynamics and phylogeography
  3. 3. Machine learning/modeling
  4. 4. Git, version control. QC/Sequence assembly
  5. 5. Workflows. Metagenomic analysis and Genome Analysis Pipeline
  6. 6. Snakemake & R programming.
  7. 7. Workflow management and Nextflow Conda environment
    Practical work:
  1. MSA and construction of phylogenetic trees
  2. Advanced HPC usage and maintenance
  3. Development and maintenance of bioinformatics tools
  4. Implementing Machine Learning in Bioinformatics
  5. Bash, Python and R scripting and version control.

Course schedule and Materials:

Day 1 Training Videos

Session Course materials Training partner Interactive Sessions with Instructor/s
    1. 1. NGS workflows
    2. 1.1 Introductions and General malaria pathogen theories
    3. 1.2 NGS technologies
    4. 1.3 Linux and the command line
    5. 1.4 Coding, naming and files
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • 1.5 Git and version control
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa

Day 2 Training Videos

Session Course materials Training partner Interactive Sessions with Instructor/s
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel
  • 2.5 Mapping, Variant calling, Explore and filter VCF
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel

Day 3 Training Videos

Session Course materials Training partner Interactive Sessions with Instructor/s
  • 3. R
  • 3.1 Working with R
  • 3.2 Naming
  • 3.3 Troubleshooting
  • 3.4 Targeted Sequencing and Metagenomics
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel

  • 3.5 R
  • 3.6 Databases and tools
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel

Day 4 Training Videos

Session Course materials Training partner Interactive Sessions with Instructor/s
  • 4.1 R, Popgen indices and theorems
  • 4.2 Natural selection
  • 4.3 Indices of selection
  • 4.4 Differentiation
  • 4.5 Multiple Sequence Alignment
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel
  • 4.6 Phylogenetic Analysis
  • 4.7 R, Population Structure
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel

Day 5 Training Videos

Session Course materials Training partner Interactive Sessions with Instructor/s
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel
  • 5.3 COI / IBD/ IBS and networks, examples. Final closing
  • 5.4 Review and Feedback for the lab visit
  • University of Ghana
  • Dr Lucas Amengha
  • Alfred Ngwa
  • Muhamadou Fadel